Friday, January 28, 2011

Keegan's new toothbrush

So I have been trying to get Keegan to let me brush his teeth for sometime now or at least for him to brush them "himself". But he doesn't like to let me do it hardly at all and he only chews on the wrong end of the toothbrush when I give it to him. I tried putting toddler toothpaste on his brush and he was a little more interested but not much.

Well this morning he was with me when I was brushing my teeth with my electric toothbrush and he was very interested in it. So after I was done I took my head part off and put a clean one on and handed it to him. He quickly figured out how to turn it on and put it in his mouth. He thought it was the best thing ever and he proceeded to play with it until the battery ran out. Then he was mad that it didn't work anymore!

So we went to Walmart today when Keegan woke up from his nap and got him his own Thomas the  Tank Engine Electric Toothbrush. He loves it. Now maybe we'll get those 8 teeth brushed!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Signing please

Keegan has good manners! :-) He has learned the sign for "please" in the past few days. I wasn't sure if it was bath or please at first but now he will sign please if he hears you say please or if he wants something. I love it! Here is a video I took today.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Keegan and his buddies

Keegan and I have been totally blessed by the opportunity to be a part of a playgroup of some boys his age and their mommies. We met our friends as part of either a new moms group held at the local cloth diaper store or at a sign language class that Keegan and I took. The boys are all within 2 months of age of each other. We all have a good time together. We meet once a week at each others houses. This past week was the last time Keegan's friend Kieran would come since his mommy had to start back to work the next week so we took a picture of them. We were missing one of the boys, Cameron but here are the other four!
Keegan, Kieran, Anthony & James
Jan 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Really bad bed head!

Keegan's hair is getting long and he needs a haircut! (I'm just not quite ready to cut it off yet!) But because of his hair getting longer he is starting to wake up with some really bad bed heads. Here is one of my recent favorites! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Keegan loves books!

Keegan is very interested in books. He will sit and look at books longer than he'll do anything else. He pulls them off the shelf one at a time, looks at them very intently, then pulls another off... Its so fun to watch him get excited about reading his books. He has also started getting a book and bringing it to me for me to read to him. But when he gets to me he usually wants to read it himself but he likes bringing them to me! He especially likes books that play music or have things he can touch and feel. 

not reading but cute! :-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

More Walking!

Keegan is getting more and more confident in his walking. He will take 10-12 steps to you on his own now. He isn't walking all the time yet, crawling is still much faster for him but everyday he gets a little bit more steady on his feet. Its the cutest thing when he is walking though, he gets so proud of himself and gets the biggest grin on his face!