Monday, December 19, 2011

Keegan is 2 years old! 
(Well he was a month ago but I got a little behind...)

Keegan at 2 weeks

Keegan at 2 years

  • Weight: 34 lbs (95%)
  • Height: 36 inches (95%)
  • Clothing Size: 2T & 3T
  • Enjoys: 
    • Books - especially his Cars book & Thomas book
    • Trains - he got a train set for his birthday, he is totally obsessed. 
    • Kitchen - he got a kitchen set for Christmas, he likes to make us "meals"
    • Cars - he drives them everywhere saying "vroom, vroom"
  • Turn-Offs: still not much....he's a pretty agreeable kid. He doesn't like being told "no" but who does!
  • Strengths: Keegan is still a great eater, he'll eat almost anything. He is also VERY smart. He knows his ABCs, he can count to 10 and knows a lot of his colors. He remembers things well, and puts things back where they go a lot of the time. If something isn't in the right place, he fixes it. He is very observant. 
  • Sleeping: Keegan goes to bed around 8pm every night and sleeps until 6:30 or 7 but he doesn't usually call for me until 7:15 or 7:30. He is getting pretty good about playing in his crib in the morning. Sometimes he'll stay in there until 8:00. We let him play in his crib for as long as he's happy in the morning! Keegan is still taking a nap everyday usually from 1:00-4:00.
  • Words: Keegan talks all the time now. Its not a matter of what words he knows anymore. He will repeat just about anything you say to him. He remembers things too, if you tell him what something is once, chances are he'll remember and tell you later. 
  • Signs: We aren't really signing very much anymore which makes me kinda sad because it was so neat to watch him sign and learn new signs. He still signs some words as he says them at the same time. He still pretty consistently signs milk, book and eat, but he says the word as he signs it too. We are working on teaching him to hold up fingers for numbers now and I want to teach him to sign the alphabet to help him later when he learns to spell. 

Favorites of Keegan currently:
  • Foods: tacos....he LOVES tacos. If you ask him what he wants to eat, he'll say he wants a taco. 
  • Songs: ABC, Row Row Row Your Boat (he'll sing this one himself....sort of), The More We Get Together (he sill sign this and sort of sing it with you)
  • Shows: Thomas, Sesame Street, Arthur, Cars, Veggie Tales
  • Books: any book, Elmo books, truck books, Thomas books
  • Toys: Thomas the Train set, kitchen, Cars push car 
  • Activities: Soccer

Things I don't want to forget:
  • Keegan had a nice second birthday party. He had some friends (James Dungan, Cameron Stumpf, Anthony Hudelson, Evelyn Bartel, Kaylee Winans, Amara Kanesvaran and Kieran Manfree) along with some family (Weezie, Mimi, Papa, Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Joni, Mary Beth, Anna-Margaret) We decorated cupcakes and Keegan got lots of nice presents. The whole party went very well. 
opening presents with mimi and papa the night before his party 

ice cream at his birthday dinner

licking the candle

keegan and kaylee coloring their trains

opening presents!

evelyn, kieran and anthony eating lunch

keegan eating lunch

blowing out his candle
decorating his cupcake with his friend Anthony

I think James ate more toppings than ended up on his cupcake!

James and Cameron

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby Cookie Party

We had a cookie decorating party with our playgroup this morning. We weren't sure how the boys would do, but they actually seemed to really enjoy themselves! They sat at the table, focused on their cookies and were strangely quiet! Some ate more than decorated but they all seemed to have fun! Keegan really enjoyed it. He really got into decorating his cookie, I think we're going to decorate cupcakes or cookies or something for his birthday party, because they seemed to have so much fun! I think this is the most sugar Keegan has ever had, but he still went down for his nap fine so it didn't seem to wind him up too much! Thank goodness!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Morrisville Christmas Parade

On Saturday, Dec 3, we went to the Morrisville Christmas Parade with some new friends that we have made in our neighborhood. They have a son who is 2 weeks younger than Keegan. We met them this summer and got to know them better when the boys took soccer together. We played at the playground for a bit before the parade then headed out to the street to watch the parade. We had a good time watching the parade. It was the first year Morrisville had a parade and we thought they did a pretty good job! They had a band from the Helping Hand Mission Organization, which Keegan LOVED. He danced and stomped right along with them. It was hilarious. It kept trying to get his friend Jack to dance with him but Jack didn't want to dance. 

showing Jack his game on Daddy's iPhone

trying to get Jack to dance

Morrisville FD dog