Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 Months Old

Not much has changed since last month....

  • Weight: ~30 lbs.
  • Height: 34" (90%)
  • Clothing Size: 24 months & 2T
  • Enjoys: 
    • Books - he loves to read, he sometimes "reads" out loud.
    • Trucks - he drives them around the floor now, sound effects and all
    • Playing with the hose outside - he has lots of fun outside toys but he still prefers the hose
    • Rocking Horse - he has really gotten into riding his wooden rocking horse lately.
  • Turn-Offs: still not much....he's a pretty agreeable kid but I do believe we are into the "terrible twos" phase already...he is very independent and throws a fit if he doesn't get his way sometimes. 
  • Strengths: signing, eating
  • Sleeping: Keegan is finally getting pretty consistent with sleep. He goes to bed around 7:30 most days and sleeps until 6:00 or 6:30. I have been refilling his sippy cup with water (that he has at bedtime in his crib) before I go to bed and the past few mornings he hasn't called for me right when he wakes up like he used to. So maybe that helps hold him off for even just a little bit, every little bit helps! He's napping pretty well these days. He goes down between 12:30/1:00 and sleeps until 3:30/4:00 most days. I can't complain there! 
  • Words: Keegan "talks" all the time. Sometimes it sounds like he is saying words but I am not sure if he really is or I am just thinking he is! 
    • EAT
    • BALL
    • BOOK
    • MORE 
    • PAPA
    • MONKEY
    • "BU.." for "Book" (6.24.11) We noticed today that he was trying to say book. 
    • "UCK" for "Truck" (6.23.11)....when he was watching the garbage truck. He was standing in the front yard and kept running to me (standing at the front door) and signing "truck" and saying "uck". 
    • LOOK (6.24.11)...pointing at flowers at Marbles Museum, telling me and Weezie to "look" at the flowers
    • ICE (5.24.11) at lunch Keegan held his cup towards the ice maker on the fridge and said "ice!" and I said do you want ice in your water and he said "ice!"
    • WHO'S THAT (5.23.11)...I was teaching a cello lesson the other night and Keegan had to eat dinner during my lesson because Justin had a late meeting and in the middle of my lesson (up until which he had been good and quietly eating dinner) he looked up and said "who's that?" referring to my student. It cracked us all up. I told him the name of my student and suggested he say hi. He looked at me and laughed then a minute later said hi to her! 
    • BABY....he signs baby and says baby in the same high pitched voice that he uses for kitty. He has a boy baby doll that he says "baby" when ever he sees it as well as when he sees real babies. 
    • WEEZIE....he has said "Weezie" a few times when prompted or shown her picture.
    • MOM....we skipped Mommy and Mama really. I'm already just Mom.
    • ALL DONE (4.5.11) Keegan now says "all done" and signs it at the same time
    • WHAT'S THAT? (3.29.11) Keegan says this when are looking at books and he points to everything....what's that...what's that...although it sounds like "wa dat" 
    • KITTY (3.1.11) when he sees the cat that lives next door or even when we go outside he looks for the "diddy" as he says in a very high pitched voice. 
    • DADA
  • Signs:
    • Animals:
      1. Bug
      2. Bear
      3. Monkey
      4. Butterfly 
      5. Rabbit
      6. Lion
      7. Elephant
      8. Frog
      9. Pig
      10. Cat
      11. Bird
      12. Fish
      13. Duck
      14. Horse
      15. Cow
      16. Dog
    • Objects:
      1. Shoes
      2. Hat
      3. Coat
      4. Socks
      5. Car
      6. Train
      7. Ball
      8. Light
      9. Phone
      10. Truck
      11. Paci
      12. Book
      13. Flower 
    • Food:
      1. Cereal
      2. Pasta
      3. Raisin
      4. Cracker
      5. Pancake
      6. Strawberry
      7. Blueberry
      8. Cup/Drink
      9. Yogurt
      10. Banana
      11. Milk
      12. Water
      13. Bread
    • Actions:
      1. Love
      2. Help
      3. Wash Hands 
      4. All Done
      5. Please 
      6. Thank You
      7. Sleep
      8. Eat
      9. Play
    • People:
      1. Weezie
      2. Mommy
      3. Daddy
      4. Friends
      5. You

Favorites of Keegan currently:
  • Foods: Animal Crackers, Mac & Cheese
  • Songs: ABC
  • Shows: Baby Signing Time and Thomas the Train & The Little Engine That Could
  • Books: any book, he especially likes ones with cats and trucks
  • Toys: Mini Tool Bench and Kitchen Set , Rocking Horse 
  • Activities: Soccer! Playing with the hose in the backyard

Things I don't want to forget:
  • We started "soccer camp" this month. He loves it. Its so fun to watch him run around with the other kids his age and have a blast. 

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