Keegan went to soccer camp for the first time this morning! Yes, I said soccer camp :-) The indoor soccer arena down the road from our house has a program they call "Lil' Kickers". His class was just for kids ages 18-24 months. There were about 8 kids in his class today and they were all pretty much around the same developmental stage, which was good. We started the class with 5 minutes of free play so the kids could get comfortable. The "coach", Coach Katie (who was GREAT) gathered the kids up and had them all sit on a "spot" (a colored disk she put on the floor), which Keegan understood the directions and he sat on his spot. (Every time she told them to sit on their spot, he knew what to do and would sit and wait for directions. It was very cute. They did some "stretches" and ran across the field a few times. She played a game like "red light, green light" that Keegan seemed to understand somewhat when I used the "stop" and "go" signs that he knows. We use those signs when we go on walks and he sees stop signs. It was funny thought because every time Coach Katie yelled "freeze" (to which I signed "stop") Keegan would stop but then immediately signed and said "go go go". He didn't want to stay still very long! She then got out some "squishy" balls and let them chase those balls around. Keegan really enjoyed these balls and ran and chased them all around. Next, Coach Katie pulled out a big parachute and we played with that some. Keegans favorite part was when we put all the kids in the middle of the parachute and the parents walked in a circle and turned the kids around. Keegan LOVED this. As soon as we finished, he immediately signed and said "more more more". The last activity was building cone towers and knocking them down. He kept going up to Coach Katie and saying "hi" then running back to me during this activity, which she thought was very funny. At the end of class, Coach Katie got out a bubble machine and the kids all chased her around attacking the bubbles. Most of the kids stopped to play with the bubbles but Keegan stayed right with her for most of it!
I think Keegan had a great time at this soccer camp. His coach was great, Keegan was very comfortable with her, he even would leave my side and go up to her and take her hand or show her something or say "hi", which we all know is a big step for him! We also met another little boy who lives in our neighborhood too, we met him first at the pool and his mom told me about this camp so thats why we signed up. It was good to see them again, maybe Keegan will make a new friend.
I didn't have my real camera with me since it was a parent participation class so these are my pictures & videos from my phone but I'll take some more better ones another week when Justin can go with me (he's out of town today).
Saying hi to the other kids coming in |
Signing "ball" |
he was running and kicking the ball! |
running and kicking the ball |
Water Break! |
Cone Tower |
Knocking the cone tower down |
Silly Keegan |
Keegan with Coach Katie |
Keegan and Coach Katie |
Trying to get the bubbles |
Chasing Coach Katie and her bubble machine |
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