Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random Recent Pictures

I was working on my laptop, so Keegan wanted his too. 
Putting my shoes away for me

Playing piano with James after church

Look carefully.....foot is through hanger and just about in the mouth....

Sweet sleeping baby
(the room was actually dark, I just adjusted the settings on my camera)

14 months, 2 weeks

wild baby!

Keegan's Big Boy Shoes!

Keegan has "big boy shoes" now. He has graduated out of the soft sole baby shoes to more firmer sole big boy shoes. They are stride-rite shoes so they are still plenty flexible but they have a better sole so I feel better about him walking outside now. He was scared of them the first few times we put them on though, when he walked he would lift his legs all the way up as if he was walking through something sticky, that is if he would walk in them at all! We had a lot of turning around leaning on me at first. But once he got used to them he was off! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can't be fooled!

Keegan has a lovey that is a lamb that we appropriately call "Lamby". Lamby was a gift from Weezie and Granddad when Keegan was first born. He has had it in either his bassinet or crib since he was first born. I decided recently that it would probably be a good idea to have a "backup" Lamby so I found some online and ordered one. Well, Keegan is no fool. He knew right away which was which! He slept with the new one last night but instead of hugging it all night, it was at the other end of the crib. He slept most of the night but when he woke up at 5 to eat, he could not go back to sleep. He looked lost just laying there without Lamby. :-( So when he got up for the day I held both of them up and he grinned and ran to his old one. So much for having a backup! I'm gonna have to sleep with the new one or something to get it grungy looking like the old one!

Both Lamby's....they look quite different!
Just 14 months ago the one on the right looked like the one on the left!
This picture was taken right after washing the one on the right too, it won't ever look clean again!
(The new one isn't pink...the lighting just makes it look that way but the old one really does look that dirty!) 

Happy to have his "real" Lamby back....and the other one at the same time too!

Keegan with his Lamby

Monday, February 21, 2011

14 Months

Keegan is 14 months old! My friend Courtney does this for her boys to keep up with what they're currently doing and I like the idea, so thanks Courtney for letting me steal your idea :-) This is what Keegan is up to now:

  • Weight: 26.2 lbs
  • Clothing Size: 18-24 months depending on what it is...18 month shirts, but 24 month onesies and either 18 month or 24 month pants depending on the diaper and the length of the pant! 
  • Enjoys: playing chase and peak-a-boo (us hiding behind things, not just hands), playing in water, books
  • Turn-Offs: diaper changes, clipping nails
  • Strengths: getting better and better at walking, goes to sleep on his own...starting to sleep through the night finally! 
  • Vices: gets frustrated easily at meal time because he still can't always communicate what he wants, doesn't do great in the church nursery on his own...
  • Words: says "dada or dad-dee" when he sees Justin or even a picture of Justin, sometimes says hey, he picked up the phone after I got off with Justin and he said "hey da", says mama sometimes but not as much as dada but he is doing it more and more
  • Signs: can sign all done and please appropriately and consistently, also signs yes sometimes and shakes his head no. He is starting to sign "sleep" when he is tired. This morning he was walking around the den signing "sleep" and I said, "Keegan do you want to go to sleep?" and he walked over to the gate to go upstairs!  He is also signing "light" sometimes when he sees a light and "bath" when we talk about taking a bath. 

Favorites of Keegan currently:
  • Foods: cheese, black beans, chicken, yogurt
  • Songs: anything, he loves music
  • Shows: Baby Signing Time
  • Books: Car Book, Bob the Builder Book, Cow Moo Me, Signing Book
  • Toys: Music Table, Dust Buster (toy and real), Elmo, Piano, Anything that plays music
  • Activities: Marbles, playing with James

Things I don't want to forget:
  • First Haircut on Feb 3
  • Will give you a hug (lay head on shoulder) if you ask for one
  • He recognizes Justin's voice. When Justin calls during the day Keegan's face lights up and he says "dadadada"
  • Stayed with Weezie and Granddad overnight while we went to Wilmington for our anniversary. He did great with them, no problems at all! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keegan at the park

Since it is starting to get warm we have started going to the park every now and then. This particular day Keegan decided he was done with the park and was ready to go home. He reached for my keys that were hanging out of my pocket then proceeded to find the car by pushing the lock button on the remote! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Like Father Like Son

Keegan is just like Justin. He has to check out all of the buttons and gadgets with anything he plays with. We went to the mall with our playgroup and let the babies play in the play area. Keegan was fascinated with the ride on toys that had buttons to push. He had to push every button before he would get off! This reminds me of Justin when we were buying a new car....he had to push every button on the stereo/dashboard in every car we looked at! :-) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Keegan loves shoes. His shoes, my shoes, Justin's shoes, anyone's shoes really. He especially likes to take them out of my closet, carry them around, then bring them back. This particular morning it was my doc martens that he was playing with. Notice him put one shoe down and sign either "all done" or "bye bye" to the shoe! I can't tell which he was saying since he only did it with one hand because the other hand had another shoe in it! Either way, it was quite funny. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Keegan & James Photoshoot

My friend Stephene and I thought it would be fun to take our boys to get their pictures taken professionally. We found a good deal at Target where we would only pay $10 each so we took advantage of it! James was great, very photogenic and easy for the photographer. Keegan on the other hand, was shy and not very cooperative. We got some decent pictures of the boys and definitely has a good laugh in the process!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Keegan LOVES hummus. He has it for a snack sometimes and he always loves it! He starts out "dipping" crackers in it but before long he is eating it straight out of the bowl with his fingers. It usually gets pretty messy but thats ok, he's enjoying it!