Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Afternoon with the Dungans

We had a nice impromptu cookout with our friends Forrest & Stepehene Dugan and their son James (Keegan's "BFF") this past Sunday afternoon. We went down to the pool, then came back and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. We all had a really great time! Its so great to have friends that we all get along as a family so well. God has really blessed us with them. 

Keegan and Daddy in the pool

Forrest & James and Keegan & Daddy

Daddy being mischievous trying to squirt the camera 

Post Swim ride home

Picnic Dinner
(This lasted just about long enough for us to take a picture then they (Keegan mostly) were up and about)

Keegan: You see James, this is how you fill the pool up with water.... 
James: But Keegan, there water is not going in the pool!  
Keegan: Oh yea! haha
Keegan: Hey, I think we've got it! 
James: It works better if we do it together...teamwork!
Keegan: Wait James! There is an airplane flying over us right now! (Keegan is signing airplane) 
James: Actually, I think it works the best if we put it all the way down in the pool
James: I'll just do it myself...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

17 Months Old

Keegan is 17 months old! 

  • Weight: ~28lbs
  • Clothing Size: 24 months
  • Enjoys: Trucks, Animals, being outside, the pool
  • Turn-Offs: not much, he is a pretty agreeable kid. i am trying to think of something he doesn't like and I am drawing a blank....he doesn't like loud motors, like leaf blowers and electric drills. They scare him very bad! 
  • Strengths: signing, eating (he is a great eater)
  • Sleeping: Keegan is going to bed around 7-7:30 these days and sleeps until about 6:15. He was going to bed at 6 and waking at 4:30 or 5 so we decided it was time to move bedtime back and it seems to have helped some thankfully. He is still taking 2 naps like clockwork...9:00-10:30 and 1:30-3:00. I am toying with the idea of moving him down to 1 nap this summer but not sure when we'll actually start trying that. 
  • Words: Keegan "talks" all the time. Sometimes it sounds like he is saying words but I am not sure if he really is or I am just thinking he is! 
    • ICE (5.24.11)....today at lunch Keegan held his cup towards the ice maker on the fridge and said "ice!" and I said do you want ice in your water and he said "ice!"
    • WHO'S THAT (5.23.11)...I was teaching a cello lesson the other night and Keegan had to eat dinner during my lesson because Justin had a late meeting and in the middle of my lesson (up until which he had been good and quietly eating dinner) he looked up and said "who's that?" referring to my student. It cracked us all up. I told him the name of my student and suggested he say hi. He looked at me and laughed then a minute later said hi to her! 
    • BABY....he signs baby and says baby in the same high pitched voice that he uses for kitty. He has a boy baby doll that he says "baby" when ever he sees it as well as when he sees real babies. 
    • WEEZIE....he has said "Weezie" a few times when prompted or shown her picture.
    • MOM....we skipped Mommy and Mama really. I'm already just Mom.
    • ALL DONE (4.5.11) Keegan now says "all done" and signs it at the same time
    • WHAT'S THAT? (3.29.11) Keegan says this when are looking at books and he points to everything....what's that...what's that...although it sounds like "wa dat" 
    • KITTY (3.1.11) when he sees the cat that lives next door or even when we go outside he looks for the "diddy" as he says in a very high pitched voice. 
    • DADA
  • Signs:
    • Animals:
      1. Elephant
      2. Frog
      3. Pig
      4. Cat
      5. Bird
      6. Fish
      7. Duck
      8. Horse
      9. Cow
      10. Dog
    • Objects:
      1. Car
      2. Train
      3. Ball
      4. Light
      5. Phone
      6. Truck
      7. Paci
      8. Book
      9. Flower 
    • Food:
      1. Cracker
      2. Pancake
      3. Strawberry
      4. Blueberry
      5. Cup/Drink
      6. Yogurt
      7. Banana
      8. Milk
      9. Water
      10. Bread
    • Actions:
      1. Help
      2. Wash Hands 
      3. All Done
      4. Please 
      5. Thank You
      6. Sleep
      7. Eat
    • People:
      1. Mommy
      2. Daddy

Favorites of Keegan currently:
  • Foods: Blueberries 
  • Songs: anything, he loves music
  • Shows: Baby Signing Time (he asks for this show now....he goes up to the TV and signs baby)
  • Books: any book with trucks in it or animals 
  • Toys: Fire Truck 
  • Activities: going to the pool

Things I don't want to forget:
  • Keegan is officially weaned off breastfeeding. He nursed for the last time on Monday, May 16. I think this is also helping him sleep longer in the morning. He was waking up at 4:30 and I would go in and nurse him and put him back to bed. When I stopped doing that, he started sleeping later. So I think it was time to stop but it does make me a bit sad because now he seems even more like a little boy and not baby! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Eater

Keegan is such a good eater (knock on wood....) He loves veggies. Today he really loved eating the tops off of his broccoli! 

Playing Outside with the Hose

While Keegan enjoys his sprinkler, water table and kiddie pool, I think his favorite toy is the hose. He has so much fun watching the water come out of the hose. Here are some pictures & videos from a day where he played outside and we were planning to get as messy and wet as we did but ohwell, he had fun. You can't really tell in the pictures but he got really wet and rather muddy by the end of his playtime. But boys will be boys :-)

He is starting to sign "help" asking for help with the hose.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Messy Dinner

This night at dinner, Justin and I were having pizza while Keegan had ravioli. After finishing his ravioli, Keegan decided he wanted pizza too so this is him having his first pizza, and loving it. After a very very messy experience with his ravioli. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Swimming with Granddad

Keegan got a special treat when we went to Greensboro one weekend, Granddad took him to the YMCA to go swimming. Keegan LOVES to go swimming. He (and Granddad) had a blast! 

Here Keegan saw a toy train that he wanted
so he is signing "train" then he can't get it
so he asks Granddad for "help"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beach Trip!

This past weekend we went to Topsail Beach with my parents and my dad's business partner, Nick and his family. This was the first time Keegan has been to the beach since he's been walking and really aware of things (we went last summer when he was 7 months old).  Keegan LOVED the beach. He was a little unsure the first day but each time we went down to the beach he got more and more brave. He loved digging in the sand and collecting shells and even loved splashing in the FREEZING water. He would squeal and scream and laugh when the waves came, he loved it. 

Family Picture

Eating his snack in his beach chair

Digging in the sand with Granddad

Look at my shell! 

Looking for more shells

Tasting a shell....

Digging with Daddy

Walking with Daddy

Playing in the ocean with Granddad

Playing in the ocean with Uncle Kevin and Granddad

Showing Weezie his shell

Trying to make a sandcastle!